Consolidating understanding of decimal number & decimal place value
- Ordering decimal numbers and locating numbers on number line
- Connecting quantity and symbols of decimal numbers
- Expanded form of decimal number and decimal place value
Number sense, mental arithmetic and place value
- Discovering pattern of ten and hundred for structured counting up to 1000, for understanding grouping into hundreds, tens and ones.
- Jumps of 250, 125, 50, 40 etc. on the mental number line.
- Understanding the composition of multi-digit numbers and expanded notation (Using Maan cards with Ganitmala).
- Understanding place value of numbers upto 1000 in terms of hundreds, tens and ones
- Activities for supporting addition and subtraction mentally.
For whole class use to support development of Number Sense up to 1000. String with 1000 beads – with alternating 10 white and 10 red beads of 100 structure and 10 blue and 10 sky beads of 100 structure. Rubber clip and 5 blank empty cards for locating numbers on the mala.
Ganitmala is also used in Primary classes.