1 of 9

2 of 9

3 of 9

4 of 9

5 of 9

6 of 9

7 of 9

8 of 9

9 of 9
Children need opportunities to count one by one till 100 so that they can start seeing the pattern of 10 in numbers, for instance they can reach 58 by counting 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, … 58. This lays the basis for seeing 58 as 50 and 8, and later on when understanding of multiplication has developed for seeing in terms of place value.
Activities on the Ganitmala are planned in such a way, children can themselves discover relationships between numbers including the structure of 10. A developed number sense based on this kind of understanding provides the tools for children to do problem-solving based on mental addition-subtraction.